I had to park around the corner because the front only had half-hour parking. I gathered my stuff from the car and walked into the tattoo place I'd only ever been in once before. That time I went in to see if they had time to do it, but the thought of doing it the next day was somewhat overwhelming. After ringing the bell a couple of times, someone finally came down; a very pretty girl with a slight, very nice british accent. So in my mind she was hot. After showing her the design I wanted she was curious about 2 things. The first was how she could get it to the right size, as it was on an A4 sheet of paper, and 2 was why I wanted those particular stars, as they weren't that common. I asked her if she knew Sonic the Hedgehog and her eyes lit up. Not only did she know it, but she loved it, and she immediately recognised the sign. In fact me coming into the shop got her so excited she started asking so many questions about games, and levels and I think she was more excited than me. After settling down and agreeing on the size, she copied the picture onto my arm and I layed down so she could get to work. After some chit-chat and stuff while she did her thing she told me she was done and I was ready to go. Lo and behold:
The Sonic symbol for invincibility!

After leaving the tatto place I was a bit excited and I knew my next stop; haircut. So I set out and drove towards mum's place because I was going to get it done at the place I used to go to. I arrived and my heart sank, as the guy I don't like was there waiting for me. I sat down while he finished up with someone else and started flipping through on of the haircut books they have. Surprisingly, I found one that I wanted, and so was a bit excited that I might actually be happy with a haircut for once. It was my turn, so I stood up and showed him the picture and let him know I wanted it short all over with a bit of a fringe, because I've always hated my head when there's no fringe. I got my fringe. However the rest was not what I wanted, so for the first time ever, I actually told him to do it again. I'd always chickened out of doing it and left the hairdressers embarassed and sad. Not today! I got him to make tha back shorter, and despite his protest of "But your neck will be cold" I told him to continue. I made a good choice.
After my haircut, it was time for mum's place. I knew she wouldn't be there for a few hours, but I'd brought a movie to watch so I knew I'd be ok. I got home, set up a laptop to check emails and stuff, turn on the tv, and Jesus H. Christ, Die hard with a Vengeance was on! Best fucking action movie ever! I was the happiest kid in the world at that moment. And it will go down as one of the best days ever.
After Die Hard I later masturbated and watched Southland Tales, so it kind of went downhill after that, but meh, Southland tales got me angry about how fucking stupid it was. So that's something to be happy about.
1 comment:
Oh man, so many things wrong with that movie.
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